Just south of Downtown, the picturesque image of Camassia Cove, is the district of Camas. It's a working-class neighborhood, as well as a work-in-progress for the passionate people who live here and play an active role in their community. There is resentment lingering because some do feel like they're being forgotten. As if Camas is the town's poor, dirty secret. But at the same time, it's the district with the strongest sense of loyalty. It's a tightly knit community where people come together and do what they can with what they have. All for all, no one left behind.
Adrian and Dominic from Home are two of the characters who are loyal to their neighborhood. Casey from Uncomplicated Choices may not live here, but he's still invested in the future of Camas, and he went all in to design a park that could create jobs and give back to the residents.