The Camassia Profile with Marlene Cohen – A Camassia Courier Column
This issue’s Profile gives us Ryan and Darius Quinn who introduce us to the world of prepping and survivalism.
The other week, I ran into a friend after dropping off groceries at my dad’s house. She happens to be his neighbor, and we got to talking about how our hobbies and interests have developed and changed during this pandemic. I bemoaned not being able to meet with the people I interview, and she complained good-naturedly about her brother trying to turn her into a survivalist.
I think most of us have heard of doomsday preppers. They’re the strange people who build bunkers under their homes and prepare for the zombie apocalypse.
My friend laughed and dared me to say those words out loud to her brother, which brings us to this edition’s Profile. She volunteered both her elder brothers for me to interview, and I can tell you it wasn’t the easiest! While the outgoing and social Ryan Quinn logged on from his San Francisco home and juggled one of his children and my questions with practiced ease, Darius Quinn didn’t even want to download Zoom.